Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

mahir menulis menarik

Writing... suka enggk sama writing atau menulis ?
teman2 ada yang mau mahir dalam tulis-menulis dalam bahasa inggris ngga,,?
klw ada yg mau .. saya akan mencoba memberitahu beberapa poin penting,, yaitu :

yang harus diperhatikan ni :
1)  . Grammar
grammar itu penting'y... pasti tman2 udah paham apa itu grammar..
jngan lupa "parts of speech" juga'ya..
apa itu parts of speech :
1. Pronoun
2. adjective
3. noun
4. conjunction
5. adverb
6. verb
7. interjunction
8. preposition

( part of speech = mf ga di bahas skg'y.. insya Allah entar klw ada ksmptn, oke )
2)  Vocabularies
Vocabularies = kosakata. Sangat penting jga. Inget pemilihan kata dalam bahasa harus diperhatikan agar sesuai dan serasi..
3)  Spelling
Spelling atau yg sering kita kenal dengan “ejaan”. Hati-hati lho.. dlm penulisan, jgn ceroboh..
4)  Punctuation
Adalah tanda baca, seperti . , ! dll.  Jangan asal aja’y nulis tanda baca soalnya seorang penulis harus mengerti gitu.. (klw sifatnya formal hukumnya wajib)
5)  Organization
Organization atau susunan penulisan. Ada 3 macam ni :
1.      Topic sentence ( paragraf utama)
2.      Supporting sentence ( seperti kalimat penjelas, pendapat = yang jelasin topic sentence)
3.      Conclusion (gabungan antara topic sentence dan supporting sentence atau kesimpulan)
6)  Idea
Ini dia pokok utamanya. Tanpa ide karangan ga mungkin ada.. jadi pilih ide yang bagus’y..

udah'ya semoga tulisan'y bermanfaat..
kalau ada yang kurang faham , bisa tanya ke yang lebih faham.. 
sorry for my mistakes...

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

finite verb menarik

 Teman saya mau berbagi tentang pelajaran finite Verb untuk tman2 smua,, smga bermanfaat’y..
Kalau mau coment, kritik, saran, boleh bnget...saya harapkan..

Finite verb ditujukan untuk kalimat yang mempunyai V-1 dan V-2.
Dengan kata lain, V-1/V-2 yang berhubungan dengan subject.
Contoh :
He does it (benar)
He do it (salah)
He did it (benar)
They did it (benar)
They had done it (salah)

Kita bahas dalam bentuk kalimat’y ...

Mr. Sofyan going home having taught English met Ayu coming from her grand mother’s house. (finite Verb)

Kalimat tersebut bisa disingkat menjadi :

Mr. Sofyan met Ayu.(finite Verb)


Mr Sofyan = subject,
 going home having taught English = adjective phrase (menerangkan mr. Sofyan)
met = ciri finite (V-2)
ayu = object
coming from her grand mother’s house = adjective phrase (menerangkan Ayu)

Info: 1

-       Noun = kerjanya sebagai Subject, Object, Complement
-       Adjective = menerangkan “noun”
-       Adverb = kerjanya menerangkan verb, adjective, other verb.


-       Word = kata benda
Contoh = car, pen, etc...
-       Phrase =  dua kata atau lebih membentuk sebuah kata benda yang mempunyai kesatuan arti.
 Contoh = handsome boy, beautiful girl, etc.....
-       Clause = kalimat
Contoh = i eat a bread, i go to school, etc...

Info lagi..:

-       Simple sentence = 1 main clause ( kalimat utama )
Contoh : i live in Majalengka
-       Double sentence = 2 main clause
Contoh: i live in Majalengka and Okab lives in Cirebon
-       Compound sentence = lebih dari 2 main clause
Contoh i live in Majalengka and Okab lives in Cirebon but i studying in the University in Cirebon
-       Complex sentence = ada main clause dan juga ada sub clause(anak kalimat)
I eat the Bread if i am hungry
Conjunction (ada hubungannya dgn yang d atas tuh..)
Di antaranya:
1.    Co-ordinate + main clause
Contoh = and, but or, nor, etc...
2.    sub ordinate + sub clause
contoh = if, who, that, what, etc....

INFO lagi’ya...

contoh di dalam kalimat :

-       i know where she lives
keterangan I = subjek
                     know = predikat
                     she lives = objek ( bentuknya sub clause/ anak kalimat  )
-       i know her address
                        I = subjek
                        Know = predikat
                        Her address = objek (bentuknya noun phrase)
-       i have a pen
keterangan :
                        I = subjek
                        have = predikat
                        a pen = ( bentuknya noun (word))

udah’ya mksh byk...
salam sukses ..


Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Hilangkan Jerawat dengan wortel dan kerang

Hilangkan Jerawat dengan wortel dan kerang
                Keduanya merupakan sumber seng (ZN) yang menurut para ahli berperan dalam urusan jerawat. Menurut penelitian di Swedia, mereka yang berjerawat karena kekurangan seng, ketika mereka diberi bahan makanan sumber seng secara teratur selama 3 bulan, masalah jerawat mereka membaik. Khasiat seng dalam menangani jerawat, karena sifatnya yang antiperadangan.
                Jadi dengan asupan seng yang cukup, peradangan kulit bisa diminimalkan. Selain itu, mineral ini juga mampu melindungi membran sel dan menjaga kolagen sehingga kulit tetap kencang.
                Bahan makanan yang kaya seng antara lain, tiram, kerang, seafood, hati sapi, daging sengke, kacang mete, keju parmesan
                Wertel dan ubi merah merupakan bahan makanan yang kaya akan betakaroten. Senyawa yang di dalam tubuh menjadi vitamin A ini, dipercaya banyak ahli untuk kesehatan kulit.
                Adelle Davis, seorang dokter gizi terkenal, pernah memilih pasien yang memiliki jerawat yang membandel. Ketika mereka diberi vitamin A dosis yang cukup, jerawatnya membaik. Adelle mungkin benar karena dalam suatu penelitian, terbukti bahwa mereka yang berjerawat di dalam tubuhnya terjadikekurangan vitamin A. Selain itu, betakaroten menurut sejumlah ahli juga dapat membantu mengatasi masalah ketidakseimbangan dalam hormonal yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya jerawat juga.
Bahkan makanan yang lain yang kaya betakaroten, labu parang, cabai merah, paprika, papaya, mangga dan sayuran hijau seperti bayam, selada air, caisim. Kamu mungkin heran kok sayuran hijau mengandung betakaroten memiliki sifat peradangan.
Dengan mengkonsumsi  bahan makanan yang mengandung betakaroten ini peradangan di kulit yang disebabkan oleh jerawat akan mereda.

Sumber : Youngster’s magazine

16 tenses menarik

Perfect continuous
Simple present
Present continuous
Present perfect
Present perfect continuous
Simple past
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Simple future
Future continuous
Future perfect
Future perfect continuous
Past future
Simple past future
Past future continuous
Past future perfect
Past future perfect continuous
The method to momorize the tenses = Cara Menghapal tenses

 16 TENSES of English
1. Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang)
a. Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana)
Rumus :
+ ) S + V1 + O/C
- ) S + Do/does + not + V1 + O/C
? ) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C
contoh :
+ )        She Reads book everyday
            She is a new student
- )         She does not Read book everyday
            She is not a teacher
?)         does She Read book everyday?
            Yes she does / No she does not (doesn’t)
            Is she clever student?
            Yes she is, no she is not
For I, We, You, They = do( I=am, they, we, you=are)
He, She, It = Does (he, she, it=is)

b. Present Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sekarang)
Menerangkan suatu perbuatan yabg sedang berlangsungpada waktu sekarang.
Rumus :
+ } S + Be + V1 + ing + O/C                
- } S + Be + not + V1 + ing + O/C    
? } Be + S + V1 + ing + O/C                  

contoh :
(+) He is playing soccer now
(-) He isn’t playing badminton now.
(?) Is he playing soccer now?.
c. Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb+main verb
Contoh :
(+)       you have eaten a bread
            He has been in Jakarta
(-)        she has not been in Bandung
            I have gone to Majalengka
(?)        have you finished?
            Has he been in Bandung?
d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang)
Rumus :
(+): S + have/has + been + Ving
(-): S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?): Have/has + S + been + Ving
Contoh :
(+) She has been going to Bali since evening.
(+) I have been visiting my uncle’s house for three days
(-) She hasn’t been going to Bali since evening.
(-) I haven’t been visiting my uncle’s house for three days.
(?) Has she been going to Bali ?
(?) Have You been visiiting the zoo for three days ?
2. Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)
a. Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau Sederhana)
Rumus :
+}        S+V-2 or Was/Were+O/C
-}         S+did not +V-1 +)/C
?}        Did S+V-1+O/C
Was/Were+ S+O/C
Example :
 (+) I saw a sweet girl last night
(+) He was in Japan last month
(-) I did not see sweet girl yesterday
(-) He was not in Japan last month
(?) Did you go to Borobudur?
(?) Was he in Japan last month?
They, we,  you = were
She, he, it, I = was
b. Past Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + was/were + Ving
(-): S + was/were + NOT + Ving
(?): Was/Were + S + Ving
Contoh :
(+) He was watching television last night when i came.
(+) They were talking about sport when I came
(-) He wasn’t watching television last night when i came
(-) They weren’t talking about sport when I came
(?) Was He watching television last night when you came?
(?) Were they talking about sport when you came?
c. Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
(+): S + had + V3
(-): S + had + not + V3
(?): Had + S + V3
Contoh :
(+)I had painted my house when you came
(+) she had been in the school when i came
(-)I hadn’t painted my house when you came
(-)she had not been in the school when i came
(?) Had I painted my house when you came?
(?) had she been in the school when Andi came?
d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Lampau)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) They had been living in Japan for two month
(+)your father had been playing soccer when Andi came
(-) They hadn’t been living in Japan for two month
(-)your father hadn’t been playing badminton when Andi came
(?) Had they been living in Japan for two month?
(?)had your father been playing badminton when Andi came ?
3. Future Tense (Akan Datang)
a. Simple Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL/shall+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will visit to Cirebon tomorrow.
(+) he will meet Andi  by seven o’clock temorrow
(?) Will he go to Majalengka next month?

b. Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung sedang Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will be writing a book next month
(+) I will be studying next Sunday
(-) I will not writing a book temorrow
(-) I will not be studying tomorrow night.
(?) Will I be writing a book next month?
(?) Will I be studying tomorrow night ?
c. Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will have finished my task temorrow
(+) You will have gone next Monday
(-) She will not have finished her task temorrow
(-).You will not have gone next Monday

(?)will You  not have gone next Monday?
(?)will she  have finished her task temorrow ?
d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will have been reading a magazine
(+) He will have been listening radio
(-) I will haven’t been reading a comic
(-) He will haven’t listening a radio
(?) Will I have been reading a comic ?
(?) Will He have been listening a radio ?
4. Past Future Tense (Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau)
a. Past Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + would + V1+O
(-): S + would + not + V1+O
(?):  Would + S + V1+O
Contoh :
(+) He would come if you invited him.
(+) They would buy a ball
(-) He wouldn’t come to your home.
(-) They wouldn’t buy a ball.
(?) Would He come to your home ?
(?) Would they buy a ball ?
b. Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang Terjadi Diwaktu Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + would + be + Ving
(-): S + would + not + be + Ving
(?): Would + S + be + Ving
Contoh :
(+) He would be coming if you invited him.
(+) They would be buying a ball
(-) He wouldn’t be coming to your home.
(-) They wouldn’t be buying a ball.
(?) Would He be coming to your home ?
(?) Would they be buying  a ball?
c. Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Sudah Selesai Di Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + would + have + V3 + O
(-): S + would + not + have + V3 + O
(?): Would + S + have + V3 + O
Contoh :
(+) He would have come if you invited him.
(+) They would have bought a ball
(-) He wouldn’t have come to your home.
(-) They wouldn’t have bought  a ball.
(?) Would He have come to your home ?
(?) Would they have bought  a ball ?
d. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(Waktu Yang Sudah Sedang Berlangsung Pada Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + would + have + been + Ving
(-): S + would + not + have + been + Ving
(?): Would + S + have + been + Ving
Contoh :
(+) He would have been coming if you invited him.
(+) They would have been buying a ball
(-) He wouldn’t have been coming to your home.
(-) They wouldn’t have been buying a ball.
(?) Would He have been coming to your home ?
(?) Would they have been buying  a ball?