Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

contoh Text REPORT menarik

   hay... sekarang kita diskusi belajar text report.. ayo kita mulai..                                                                         REPORT 
Communicative purpose:
to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade, and social phenomena in our environment. 
untuk menggambarkan cara hal-hal yang, dengan referensi untuk mengatur atau fenomena alam, buatan manusia, dan sosial di lingkungan kita.

Generic Structure:
- general classification: introduces the topic being discussed. 
- Description: provides details information about the topic (parts, qualities, habits, or behavior (if living) and uses (if non-natural))
Struktur umum:
 - Klasifikasi umum: memperkenalkan topik yang sedang dibahas.
- Keterangan: menyediakan informasi detail tentang topik (bagian, kualitas, kebiasaan, atau perilaku (jika hidup) dan menggunakan/kegunaan (jika non-alami))

Linguistic Features:
- focus on generic participans
- use of simple present tense
- no temporal sequence
- use of "being" and "having" clauses
tata bahasa :
- Fokus pada bagian umum
- Menggunakan present tense
- Tidak ada urutan temporal
- Penggunaan "menjadi" dan "memiliki"

                                                                 The Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial - an animal that feeds and carries its young in a pouch. it lives only in Tasmania and was called a devil by the early European settlers because of its fierce appearance and loud screeching.
The devil is the same size as a small dog. it has a large head, a stocky body and a short, thick tail. while the fur is mostly black, there are often white markings on the back and chest. because the devil is a noctumal animal (it is active at night), it spends the days in the dense bush and hunt for food after dark. while it can catch prey the size of a small wallaby the devil often feeds on the bodies of dead sheep and cows from farms. it very powerful jaws and teeth enable it to eat bones and fur as well as the meat. farmers are pleased that devil stop the spread of disease by removing the rotting bodies of dead animals. groups of devils eat together from the same carcass - body of the dead animal - and they are such noisy eaters that they can be heard for several kilometers.
Devils breed in march and the young are born in April. while more are born, only two or three babies survive to live in their mother's pouch for four months. they move with their mother into a whole or a hollow long until they are ready to live on their own in the bush at the and of december. Devils live until they are seven or eight years old. Recently adult devils have been affected by cancer. this begins with lumps around the mouth and spreads to the face and neck. Scientists are studying the cancers so they can find out the cause and save the devil population in Tasmania.

(wow.... i have known the report text now,,that is no hard, right?)

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

contoh announcement menarik

yuk.. kita belajar sedikit tentang text pengumuman... let's go..

It is a short text. It conveys meaning. We put or we find it on a board to let everybody knows the information in certain places.
(Ini adalah teks singkat. Ini menyampaikan makna. Kami menempatkan atau kita menemukannya di papan untuk membiarkan semua orang tahu informasi di tempat-tempat tertentu).
This Thursday, 17th of August in the Independence day. Don’t miss the Independence Day Festival! The festival begins at 08.00 in every district in the Bandung city. Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal. Don’t miss it! And join many contests at school. Free registration, full of prizes! 
(pengumuman Ini Kamis, 17 Agustus di hari Kemerdekaan. Jangan lewatkan Festival Hari Kemerdekaan! Festival ini dimulai pukul 08.00 di setiap distrik di kota Bandung. Berkumpul di depan sekolah kami pada pukul 07.30 untuk melihat parade dengan kepala sekolah. Jangan lewatkan! Dan bergabung banyak kontes di sekolah. Gratis pendaftaran, penuh hadiah!)
We are announcing to day that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together . effective Desember 18th, 2010, our official will be: 
The substitution of “west” in our name replacing “California” in the result of an agreement we reached with the California Gardening association, following a protest over the original use of “California” in our name. We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer our consumers . (pengumuman)
(Kami mengumumkan hari itu kami membawa Milestone dan merek Pernah Hijau lebih dekat bersama-sama. efektif Desember 18, 2010, resmi kami akan:
Substitusi dari "barat" dalam nama kita mengganti "California" di hasil kesepakatan kami sampai dengan California Berkebun asosiasi, menyusul protes atas penggunaan asli dari "California" dalam nama kita. Kami berharap ini tidak menimbulkan kebingungan di kalangan konsumen setia kami. Sementara ini merupakan perubahan dari pengenalan nama awal kita, itu tidak mengubah kualitas produk yang kami tawarkan konsumen kami.)

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

contoh ekspresi bahasa inggris menarik

hallo..friends in this moment i want to tell you about some expressings in the daily. let's go...
Expressing sympathy (ekpresi simpati)
 That’s terrible !
 That’s too bad !
 How awful !
 I am so sorry to hear that
 I am so sorry to know that
 What a shame
 What a pity
 Poor you !
 Please accept my condolence
 I express my deep condolence
Expressing like (ekpresi suka)
 I love travelling very much
 I really like watching film
 I am fond of listening music
Expressing dislike (ekpresi tidak suka)
 I don’t like listening music
 I dislike walking in the rain
 I hate walking through the forest
Accepting (menerima)
 I’d love to
 That sounds great
 I’d be glad to
 We are very happy to come
Refusing (menolak)
 I’d love to but i can’t
 I’d love to but i won’t be able to
Giving permission (membolehkan)
 Of course
 Please go ahead
 No, i don’t mind
 That’s all right
Refusing permission (menolak permintaan)
 Smoking is not allowed
 We don’t allow anyone to enter the room
 I’d rather you not to
 You are not allowed to do that
Satisfaction (kepuasan)
 I’m satisfied
 I feel contented with it
 It gives me satisfaction
 It makes me satisfied
Dissatisfaction (tidak Puas)
 I’m not satisfied with it
 It dissapoints me
 It makes me dissapointed
 I’m dissapointed with it

perbedaan AMERICAN english dan BRITISH english SPELLING menarik

teman2,, ternyata memang ada perbedaan di dalam kosakata antara British dengan American..mau tau? bagi yang belum tahu,, silahkan simak kosakata di bawah ini'y.. mga kita faham'y..let's go.. 

Airplane, aeroplane pesawat
Aluminum, aluminium aluminium
Analyze , analyse menganalisis
Ax, axe kapak
Catalog , catalogue katalog
Center , centre pusat
Check , cheque cek
Color , colour warna
Defense, defence pertahanan
Dialog , dialogue dialog
Favorite, favourite kesukaan
Gray , grey abu-abu
Humor, humour humor
Jewelry , jewelers perhiasan
Labor , labour tenaga kerja/buruh
License , licence lisensi
Meter , metre meter
Neighbor, neighbour tetangga
Offense , offence pelanggan
Plow , plough membajak
Practice , practise praktik
Pretense, pretence kepura-puraan
Program, programme program
Pajamas, pyjamas piyama
Skillful , skilful terampil
Story , storey cerita
Theater , theatre teater
Tire , tyre ban
Apartment, flat apartemen
Bathtub , bath bak mandi
Bill , bank note tagihan
Call collect, reverse the charges
Candy , sweets/chocolate permen
Cell phone, mobile phone telepon seluler
Check , bill periksa
Chips , crisps keripik
Cookie , biscuit biskuit
Desk clerk, receptionist resepsionis
Do the dishes, do the washing up mencuci piring
Down town, city center pusat kota
Elevator, lift lift
Fall , autumn musim gugur
Faucet , tap tekan
First floor, ground floor lantai dasar
French fries, chips kentang goreng
Front desk, reception pemerimaan
Garbage, rubbish sampah
Gas , petrol gas
Line , queue antrian
Movie , film film
One way ticket, single ticket tiket tunggal
Pants , trousers celana panjang
Parking lot, car park parkir mobil
Pavement, road jalan
Period , full stop periode/masa
Principal, head teacher kepala sekolah
Purse , handbag dompet
Round trip ticket, return ticket tiket pulang
Shorts , brief/pants celana pendek
Sidewalk, pavement trotoar
Subway , underground kereta api bawah tanah
Truck , lorry truk
Undershirt, vest kaos
Vacation, holiday liburan
Vest , waist coat rompi
Yard , garden halaman
Zip code, postcode kode pos

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

contoh kosakata dasar bahasa inggris menarik

oke,, in this theme, i will present to you all, about 10 vocabularies to learning basic of english for indonesian. let's go... 
1. human bodies
face=muka,hair=rambut, eye=mata, eyebrow=alis, eyelid=kelopak mata, head=kepala, forehead=dahi, temple=pelipis, ear=telinga, cheek=pipi, nose=hidung, moustache=kumis, lip=bibir, tooth=gigi, tongue=lidah, chin=dagu, beard=jenggot, neck=leher, armpit=ketiak, arm=tangan,upper arm=lengan atas, forearm=lengan bawah, elbow=sikut, fingger=jari, little fingger=jari kelingking, stomach=perut, back=punggung, hip=pinggang, foot=kaki, thigh=paha, knee=lutut, ankle=mata kaki, heel=tumit, toe=jari kaki, throat=tenggorokan, shoulder=bahu,
2. family
grandfather=kakek, grandmother=nenek, father=ayah, mother=ibu, son=anak laki-laki, daughter=anak perempuan, young brother=adik laki-laki, young sister=adik perempuan, nephew=keponakan laki-laki, niece=keponakan perempuan, uncle=paman, aunt=bibi,
3. vegetables 
cayenne pepper=cabe rawit, chili=cabe, mushroom=jamur, corn=jagung, cabbage=kubis, pea=kacang polong, potato=kentang, lettuce=selada, goodleek=daun bawang, tomato=tomat, celery=seledri, turnip=lobak cina, bean=buncis, ginger=jahe, ginger root=laos, cassave=singkong, coriander=ketumbar, curcuma=kunyit, soy bean=kedelai, onion=bawang merah, garlic=bawang putih.
apple=apel, chocolate=coklat, avocado=alpukat, grape=anggur, almond=kenari, date=kurma, pineaple=nanas, durian=durian, papaya=pepaya, banana=pisang, coconut=kelapa, mango=mangga, rambutan=rambutan, orange=jeruk, strawberry=strawberi, starfruit=belimbing, watermelon=semangka, zalacca=salak, mangosteen=manggis, jackfruit=nangka, pomegranate=delima, cashew= jambu monyet,cashew water=jambu air.
5. animals
ant=semut, bear=beruang, dragonfly=capung, bee=lebah, camel=unta, dove=burung dara, crocodile=buaya, crab=kepiting,caterpillar=ulat,hawk=elang, eagle=garuda, grasshoopper=belalang, goose=angsa, mosquito=nyamuk, lion=singa, porcupine=landak, frog=katak, hipopotanus=kuda nil, penguin=penguin, octopus=gurita, buffalo=kerbau, sheep=domba, parrot=burung kakak tua, snake=ular, deer=rusa, dolphin=lumba-lumba, rhinoceros=badak, rabbit=kelinci, osyter=tiram, leopart=macan tutul,monkey=monyet, scorpion=kalajengking, pigeon=merpati, vulture=burung nazar, worm=cacing, swallow=burung walet, spider=laba-laba, seal=anjing laut, shark=hiu, tiger=harimau, wolf=serigala, fish=ikan, squirrel=tupai, walrus=singa laut, whale=ikan paus, turkey=kalkul, turtle=kura-kura, goat=kambing, fly=lalat, butterfly=kupu-kupu, ostrich=burung unta, zebra=zebra, snail=siput, sparrow=burung pipit, duck=bebek, owl=burung hantu, boar=babi hutan, pig=babi, camel=unta, stork=bangau, crow=gagak, mouse=tikus, shrimp=udang, squid=cumi-cumi, eel=belut, cock=ayam jantan, hen=ayam betina, peacock=merak, giraffe=jerapah.
6. accessories
earring=anting-anting, watch=jam tangan, necklace=kalung, ring=cincin, bracelet=gelang,glasses=kaca mata.
7. buildings
mosque=masjid, church=gereja, temple=kuil, park=taman, swimming pool=kolam renang, medicine store= apotik, post office=kantor pos, hospital=rumah sakit, market=pasar, railway station=stasiun kereta api, harbour=pelabuhan.
8. professions
policeman=polisi, soldier=tentara, waiter=pelayan pria, waitress=pelayan wanita, announcer=penyiar, singer=penyanyi, actor=aktor, lawyer=pengacara, fisherman=nelayan, mechanic=montir, pilot=pilot, tailor=penjahit, chef=koki, nurse=perawat, reporter=wartawan, teacher=guru, farmer=petani, athlete=olahragawan, architect=arsitek, engineer=insinyur
9. transportation 
ambulance=ambulan, cart=kereta kuda, van=mobil angkutan, submarine=kapal selam, tram=kereta listrik, ferry=kapal penyeberangan, motorcycle=sepeda motor, car=mobil, racing car=mobil balap, passenger ship=kapal penumpang, airplane=pesawat terbang, helicopter=helikopter, train=kereta api, bus=bis, road tanker=truk tangki, cargo ship=kapal barang.
10.tools and electronic
chisel=alat pahat, axe=kapak, bit=mata bor, bolt=baut, file=kikir, lader=tangga, nail=paku, hammer=paku, screw drive=obeng,wheel barrow=gerobak, saw=gergaji, pliers=tang, hair dryer=pengering rambut, iron=setrika, extension cord=kabel listrik, string=tali, fan=kipas angin, blender=alat pencampur, copy machine=mesin foto kopi,mixer= alat pengaduk, knife=pisau, hige=engsel.